The first thing you’ll note is the new subdomain this site has. Old infers that something new is coming, and there is. A new home site of DarkRula Media under a new host. Weebly is good, but having got the hang of WordPress and the editing tools it has, I’m enacting a move over to that site builder. This site will stay active until and even after the new one goes live, though the custom domain will be lost at some point.
With a bit of CSS coding, I’ve got the Astra theme to resemble how this site looks - with the header being a static sidebar on the left side of the screen. Such means that when the new site goes live, there’ll be very little change to get used to. I won’t give all the details now, since that’s better suited closer to the time, but such a change in host means a lot more control with the behind the scenes stuff that Weebly hasn’t really offered.
The big thing of this month is E3’s return. I’ll be covering it much as I always do, with a wishes article, some final words, and coverage of all those conferences I watch live. Things will be a bit different this year, though, with the Summer Game Fest Kickoff Live event coming just before E3. And then there’s those publishers and developers who don’t have a conference around the E3 dates. Such just means there’s a lot of gaming news coming.
Away from games, I think it’s time I finally gave the Ewoks TV series a watch. Especially since we’re getting the arrival of Droids – the other series that debuted around the same time – on Disney+. I gave the other animated media a look during Star Wars Month, so this month seems right to take a look at some more.
Video media is once again suffering. I’m still without a laptop capable of editing, but such is soon to be rectified. Or it already had been, until I came to use my headphones and realised the audio jack was broken. eBuyer have been great with such, as I’ll be getting a replacement as soon as this one is received by them. Streams over on Twitch will still be going, but…
I’ve said before that summer will be a challenge for such while streaming, and I’m starting to realise how much of a challenge it is. A home that turns itself into a greenhouse whenever it gets above 20°C isn’t a good environment for streaming, even with two small fans on the go. As such, my hours are decreasing, along with the number of days I do so.
I’ll still be on the GRcade Twitch channel of a Friday, playing a combination of GTA V and other games I’d usually be doing on my own channel, along with more Twitchcasts whenever I’m free to do so. Those have been good fun to be a part of, talking games and random other things. Should I be on one this month, I’ll be sure to say so.
And lastly, my socials are expanding again. I’ll be returning to my Facebook page, which is in need of a bit of an update. Reddit will see a lot more use as well, with individual article posts instead of the monthly update style I’ve been using. Such allows each individual piece of my content room in the spotlight, along with an area for commenting on each piece with that particular social platform, should a person wish not to use my own site’s commenting features to do so.
With a bit of CSS coding, I’ve got the Astra theme to resemble how this site looks - with the header being a static sidebar on the left side of the screen. Such means that when the new site goes live, there’ll be very little change to get used to. I won’t give all the details now, since that’s better suited closer to the time, but such a change in host means a lot more control with the behind the scenes stuff that Weebly hasn’t really offered.
The big thing of this month is E3’s return. I’ll be covering it much as I always do, with a wishes article, some final words, and coverage of all those conferences I watch live. Things will be a bit different this year, though, with the Summer Game Fest Kickoff Live event coming just before E3. And then there’s those publishers and developers who don’t have a conference around the E3 dates. Such just means there’s a lot of gaming news coming.
Away from games, I think it’s time I finally gave the Ewoks TV series a watch. Especially since we’re getting the arrival of Droids – the other series that debuted around the same time – on Disney+. I gave the other animated media a look during Star Wars Month, so this month seems right to take a look at some more.
Video media is once again suffering. I’m still without a laptop capable of editing, but such is soon to be rectified. Or it already had been, until I came to use my headphones and realised the audio jack was broken. eBuyer have been great with such, as I’ll be getting a replacement as soon as this one is received by them. Streams over on Twitch will still be going, but…
I’ve said before that summer will be a challenge for such while streaming, and I’m starting to realise how much of a challenge it is. A home that turns itself into a greenhouse whenever it gets above 20°C isn’t a good environment for streaming, even with two small fans on the go. As such, my hours are decreasing, along with the number of days I do so.
I’ll still be on the GRcade Twitch channel of a Friday, playing a combination of GTA V and other games I’d usually be doing on my own channel, along with more Twitchcasts whenever I’m free to do so. Those have been good fun to be a part of, talking games and random other things. Should I be on one this month, I’ll be sure to say so.
And lastly, my socials are expanding again. I’ll be returning to my Facebook page, which is in need of a bit of an update. Reddit will see a lot more use as well, with individual article posts instead of the monthly update style I’ve been using. Such allows each individual piece of my content room in the spotlight, along with an area for commenting on each piece with that particular social platform, should a person wish not to use my own site’s commenting features to do so.